These are some cool sites! try 'em.

  • Robotech WebRing

  • Great robotech site! i use it all the time.

  • Hey they got macross stuff there!!!! go buy some!

  • RcCad Software: FREE download

    this an awsome program for making jets I've made a few jets with it you can see em in the GALLERY.So go get!! it its free! then buy the full version.

  • My friend/cousin Byron's Xenogear Site. Its cool.

  • They sell Macross Plus there.

  • more soon :)

My banner

My banner! If you wanna put my banner on your site just copy and paste it from here:

<a href=""> <img src="" width="400" hight="57" border="0" > </a>
any questions or complaints? e-mail me

dont blame me for typos it was all uhhhh..... public schools fault ya thats it