Woowie its been a long time, well I got a update to this site at a different location, check it out here!!!


Pic of the Month!: 3/24/00 What are you doing here you bum! This is a Macross Plus site! not Gundam Wing. Oh well thats Heero Yuy from Gundam Wing. Want more Gundam Wing stuff? Click Here.


this is a pic i will be changing every month, so check back soon.


  • 3/24/00 Wow its been a while since i updated. Well, I made a Gundam Wing site, click here.
  • 2/28/00 Gundam Wing is on Cartoon Network's Toonami! Its about big mecha, wars, an awsome story, a fight for justice, goverment scandels, and based on five 15 yr. olds trained for war, It rocks! Its on everyweek day at 5:30 PM,edited version, and at 12:00 Midnight,UNCUT VERSION(!!!).
  • 2/15/00 Hi i made another site, Deadly Monkeys Jedi Clan. Its a Jedi Knight Clan's Homepage. well gtg, bye.
  • 1/29/00 Just checking in.... oh, Macross VFX-2 (american version) has been cancelled. Im buying the jap. versiona and getting a mod chip. You can usually find the jap. version at E-bay or at
  • 1/12/00 I did a few updates added some new pics to My Macross Collection. Well Macross VFX-2 hasnt come out yet =( , but at least its not cancelled!! oh and heres some info and pics on the new Macross Plus veritechs coming out soon.
  • 12/23/99 I got a labtop for Christmas!!! sorry ive been busy so i havnt done much updating.
  • 12/11/99 I redid the pics sections and added a animated .gif section. I made the .gifs myself.
  • 12/10/99 I changed the layout. Hows it look?
  • 12/7/99 New chat room added!!! Its a 100x as good as the old one but you need a Java-enabled browser. Go chat!!!
  • 12/6/99 Macross VFX-2 is coming out January 8,2000!!!
  • 12/6/99 Merry Christmas! I added a Christmas section Check it out!
  • 12/6/99 Todays been Really messed up!! Freeservers did something and the ad banners went out of control and were everywhere ,but i finally got most of the problem areas tied down. Sorry for the inconvience. Oh and they tried to take my counter off, but i kept it:p the freeservers counter acts weird.
  • 12/5/99 I added Stats for the Characters and VFs in Macross Plus, it took so long to make. Check it out!
  • 12/2/99 I added tables so the site looks good when not in fullscreen.
  • 11/30/99 I added a guestbook, go sign it! please.
  • 11/30/99 I added a name banner! thanks Byron. I also changed the name, sorry if this caused any inconvience, the address did NOT change.
  • 11/30/99 Chat room added!! See it HERE.
  • 11/28/99 TOYCOM is making new veritechs from "Marcoss Plus"!!! the 1st one/ones are expected to come out SPRING 2000!! please buy one and if they get enough sales they'll remake the old ones.

------News from here back was lost in the great deletion of 3/23/00------

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