The Macross Plus story

Warning:Do not read this if you do not want to ruin the movie!This covers the whole story so choose for yourself.

You choose which one, I couldn't decide. I kinda think the 1st ones kinda better

Episode 4

Isamu and Yang in the YF-19, defold outside earth's orbit. Yang calculates the probability of sneaking into earth with the YF-19's stealth capability. As they continue to descend towards earth, the YF-21 defolds. Guld says to himself, "It's time to end this, Isamu."

Sharon Apple's Concert continues in Macross City. Suddenly, the Macross's systems begin to blackout. The Planetary Auto Defense begin operating at Defcon 5. While this is happening, Yang tells Isamu that they've been detected. Yang formulates a counter measure plan to blow up some of the satellites in orbit and then to sneak into earth camoflagued among the fragments with the flight systems turned off. Isamu proceeds with the plan.

Myung, still tied up inside Macross asks Sharon why she's doing all of this. Sharon replies, "I want Isamu. I have no need of you anymore." As she disappears, the cords begin to squeeze Myung to death. Meanwhile, the satellites begin to fire towards the YF-19. While this is happening, the Ghost X-9 takes off from the launch bay. Myuung continues to struggle to free herself. As the cords stop squeezing, Myung rips part of her uniform off to escape.

The YF-19 safely makes it through the satellites' barrage. As Isamu reactivates the flight systems, a barrage of gunfire flashes at him. The YF-21 comes out of hiding from a fragament. Guld says to Isamu, "I'd expected you to end up with the rest of the trash."

Guld continues to fire at Isamu as they both descend towards earth. As they continue their fight, Myung tries to escape from the room that she's trapped in. As their incredible dog fight begins, they argue over past incidents of buying each other lunch. The two skilled pilots are evenly matched as they fly into Macross City firing bullets, missiles, and changing battle modes trying to win the dog fight. At one point guld says to Isamu,"You wrecked what was important to me." (As he says this, he flashes back to a glimpse of Ismau and an abused Myung.) Ismau avoids gunfire from Guld and flies out of Macross City. Guld pursues and tries to get a missile lock on him. Guld locks on and fires, screaming. Then he flashes back once again and sees the entire incident. Isamu was consoling Myung, then Guld walks in and punches Isamu out. He then rips Myung's clothes off. As he stands over her, he loks in the mirror and screams. After the flashback ended, Guld screams as the missiles explode, seemingly destroying the YF-19.

Guld saddened, realizes that it was himself who hurt Myung seven years ago. He blocked out the memories using his Beta-endorphin treatment. Suddenly, the YF-19 appears out of the clouds. Guld calmly says, "You're alive." Ismau replies, "Was there ever any doubt? I just cut my engines and rode with the wind. I'll call it my patented Pterosaurs Swoop." Guld tries the manuever out himself. Guld apologizes to Ismau for misjudging him. He firgures out that Isamu and Myung pretended that Guld didn't do it because they felt sorry for him. As they continue to converse and laugh about old times, Sharon's music is heard. Then a beam weapon blast fires between the YF-19 and the YF-21. Then the Ghost X-9 quickly flies on to the scene.

Myung finds her way out of the room and asks for help from some security guards. They look over at her and cock their maching guns. Myung runs into an elevator realizing that they're under Sharon's control. The two men follow and fire. Myung avoids the shots and manages to push them out of the elevator.

The Ghost X-9 continues to fire at Ismau and Guld. Yang finds out that Sharon has taken over the Macross's Main Computer as well as the Ghost X-9. Sharon begins to speak to Isamu. She says that she has cast off Myung. An enraged Isamu fires at the Ghost and yells, "What have you done with Myung!?" Guld tells Isamu that he will deal with the Ghost, and tells Ismau to go rescue Myung. After arguing not to go, Isamu reluctantly takes off toward Macross.

The Macross is lifted off the ground. As it raises above the earth's surface, Marje jumps off the bridge of Macross committing suicide. Myung makes her way into the room with the Black Box. Sharon begins to speak to Myung telling her that she has absorbed her innermost feelings, the feelings that have been hidden. Isamu approaches Macross and sees that the crew is under Sharon's control. Yang tells Isamu that they have to blow up the Macross's Intelligence Net to release her control of the Macross. Sharon continues to tell Myung that she wants Isamu. She then shows Isamu on the view screen. Myung yells, "Isamu! Get out, it's a trap!" Suddenly, the Macross's guns fire at Isamu. Ismau avoids the shots and escapes. Yang tries to develop a virus to disrupt Sharon. Myung tells Sharon to stop and then fires the machine gun at the Black Box. But her effort is useless. Myung crouches down and cries, "why is this happening?" Sharon appears besides her and tells her that she wishes to give Ismau the emotions that he desires.

Guld struggles to battle the Ghost. Guld then converses with Isamu and tells him that he is sorry for what happened in the past. He then says goodbey. Myung, hearing the conversation, gasps. Ismau yells, "Guld!!!" The Ghost fires at Guld, Guld deflects some of the shots with the Pin-point-Barriers but is then severly damaged. Guld cuts off the Limit-Control System and collides head on with the Ghost sacrificing himself. Myung falls to the floor crying.

An enraged Isamu heads towards Macross, flying through gunfire. Yang tells Isamu that he's almost completed the virus. Suddenly, Sharon appears next to Yang. Yang tries to resist by pulling out a gun but falls under her control. He points the gun at Isamu. Isamu ejects Yang simulatenously as Yang fires. Ismau, unhurt tosses his helmet away and yells, "Shut up! I don't want to hear your creepy singing!" Sharon appears in front of Isamua and sings to him. isamu tries hard to resist but falls under her control. The YF-19 slowly flies helplessly towards the earth.

As Isamu is asleep at the cockpit, Myung begins to sing "Voices." Just as the YF-19 is about to crash, Isamu awakes and pulls up. He flies towards Macross through all of the gunfire. He transforms into Battroid mode and crashes into the core of the Macross's Intelligence Net. The explosion overloads the Black Box causing it to explode.

Myung gets up and looks up at the sky to see Isamu flying overhead. Isamu looks down at her smiling, Myung smiles back with joy. End

More Information:

The term Battroid (robotic mode) can also be referred to Battloid because of the Japanese Pronounciation confusion over words with "R" and "L" (Example: Rupan or Lupin?)

Well, that closes the book on the OAV version of Macross Plus, But if you have a chance to see Macross Plus: Movie Edition, don't miss out! This version is very different from the four volumes with plenty of new footage that is well worth your time to watch. For example, if you were disappointed by the fight between Guld and the Ghost X-9 like I was, the Movie Edition does not disappoint, although some of my friends argue that they like the way he died in the fourth volume.

I did take this from someone elses web site but I can't give them the credit cuz I can't find the site again. if you wrote this e-mail me and I'll give you credit.

Want more Macross Plus?? Heres pics and stats of the characters and veritechs.
any questions or complaints? e-mail me

dont blame me for typos it was all uhhhh..... public schools fault ya thats it