The Macross Plus story

Warning:Do not read this if you do not want to ruin the movie!This covers the whole story so choose for yourself.

Just in case you read fast and didn't finish hearing the music, here it is again. :)

Episode 2

The Sharon Apple staff prepares for the concert on Eden. Myung seems mysteriously linked to some of Sharon Apple's devices. Isamu, Lucy, and Yang are seen entering the stadium. Everyone who enters the stadium receives a strange wrist band.

Millard questions Guld about what happened when the YF-21 pushed the VF-11 to the ground. He also asks about an abnormal wave pattern that showed up on the YF-21's brainwave data. Guld claims that it was a malfunction but Millard is still suspicious. As Guld walks out, Millard orders a Dr. Worth to investigate the physical condition of Guld.

Sharon Apple's concert begins. A display of computer generated graphics fills the stadium to an astonished crowd. As the concert proceeds, Marje and staff record the excitement level of the crowd through the wrist bands. Yang begins to hack into Sharon Apple's systems with his watch. Sharon's image becomes distorted. Myung becomes disturbed. The Sharon Apple staff try to track the source but Yang stops hacking just in time. Myung notices Isamu on her view screen. Marje wonders why Sharon has suddenly become unstable. Yang tries to get Sharon to come to him but she instead glides into Isamu's arms. She then gives Isamu a kiss. Myung becomes disturbed by this.

Myung walks towards her hotel room as Marje expresses his concern that the public might become aware that Sharon's AI is incomplete. He tells Myung to perform better next time.

Isamu prepares for the YF-19's test flight. Yang is unsure about Isamu's abilities as he moves his hand around as if it were the YF-19. Isamu loves the sight of the YF-19 as it appears in the hanger. Isamu takes off and flies into space. As he flies back towards eden, he performs acrobatic maneuvers with the YF-19 copying the motions that he was making with his hand. The smoke forms a picture of a Pterosaur. The staff of New Edwards Base looks on.

The YF-21 and the YF-19 perform tests together. Isamu performs better than Guld but Millard is unhappy with Isamu's recklessness. He tells Isamu that recklessness brings stupidity. Isamu angrily leaves. Guld goes through a check of weapons inventory. Ammunition shells are seen being loaded.

Marje purchases a mysterious object while Myung has dinner with her old friends Kate and Morgan. Myung flashes back to a time when she,Isamu, and Guld were kids. Guld and Isamu make a promise to protect her forever. Kate karaokes a Minmay song and then asks Myung to sing but Myung angrily declines but then calms down and walks out. Isamu walks into Yang's office and sees that Yang has hacked into portions of Sharon's program. As Isamu stares at Sharon's face, it turns and looks at him. Kate calls Isamu asking him to come over. She also tells Isamu that it's strange that Myung is only the producer of Sharon Apple. Isamu angrily declines to go after Kate says, "I guess you don't care if Guld gets her." Myung leaves after she sees that Kate was talking to Isamu. She heads towards the concert hall in a taxi.

Myung is in the room where Sharon's black box is located. She starts talking about how she hates her old songs and Sharon's songs. As she falls down crying, Sharon appears in back of her. Guld and Isamu separately receive messages that a fire will break out at the concert hall. Meanwhile, Marje stores something in his safe deposit box.

The fire mysteriously breaks out and Myung is trapped in her room. Guld gets to her first while Isamu speeds towards the concert hall while being chased by cops. Guld cannot get the door open until it mysteriously opens while a camera looks on. He races towards the exit with an unconscious Myung while vertical doors drop. He avoids the first two but the third one drops on top of Guld. He forces it up with all his might causing himself to bleed. Isamu arrives after the fire has been put out and Guld and Myung are nowhere to be seen.

Dr. Worth gives Millard his report on Guld's physical. His reports show that Guld has been suppressing his memories with a beta-endorphin prescription. Millard puts the report in the paper shredder and tells Dr. Worth to proceed with the report quietly.

Isamu picks out his lunch at the mess hall. A jealous Lucy confronts Isamu about who he went to see last night. Isamu does not give her a full explanation and walks over to Guld. Guld tells Isamu about how he saved Myung and that he would protect her just as he promised when he was a kid. As Isamu grabs Guld, Guld tells him that all they need to fight over now is the project. The YF-21 and YF-19 proceed with more test flights. Guld and Isamu deviate from their flight course and begin to fight. The base's officers begin cheering them on watching the battle via satellite. Isamu and Guld punch and kick in their Battroid modes smashing each other into buildings. Isamu begins to shoot Guld with paint ball ammunition. As the ammunition runs out, Isamu whacks at Guld but Guld catches it. Isamu puts some more force into it and breaks the YF-21's arm. He then punches the YF-21 into a building and begins kicking it on the ground. Guld appears to be helpless. But he then cuts off the thought-control systems and switches to manual control. Guld looks over to the YF-19's gun.

Millard comes in wondering what is going on with all the cheering. Everyone looks at Millard but suddenly an explosion is heard. The YF-19 is lying on the ground with smoke coming out of the cockpit.

As Myung is about to walk out the door, the phone rings and Myung stands there with a worried expression on her face.

any questions or complaints? e-mail me

dont blame me for typos it was all uhhhh..... public schools fault ya thats it